
社区太阳能 is an opportunity for qualified residential electric customers to save up to $40* per month on their electric bill while sharing the benefits of 100% local solar energy—all at no additional cost and with nothing to install or maintain.

*Based on Eastern Washington site production when subscribed to two shares.


省钱 on your electric bill and bring local renewable energy to our communities. It’s free to enroll if you meet household income requirements, but act fast: shares are limited.



We’ve partnered with communities and organizations across our service area to build multiple new solar energy arrays through the 社区太阳能 program. 以下是你应该考虑今天入学的原因.

  • 它是免费的. T在这里 really is no cost to enroll for residential electric customers who meet household income requirements. 也没有合同要签署或义务参与.

  • 很容易. Self-qualify online or verbally to receive one free share in a local solar energy site of your choice. T在这里’s no pre-approval process – just confirm you meet household income requirements when you enroll.

  • 省钱. The best part: automatically receive bill savings of up to $40 per month for the solar energy generated by your share. 这意味着你每年可以节省480美元的电费.

The 社区太阳能 income-eligible option is available for PSE residential electric customers who receive their own monthly bill and whose monthly income is less than the limits for your county. Customers will be required to confirm their household income on an annual basis.

不需要任何表格或收入证明. Customers simply self-qualify during the enrollment process by confirming (online or verbally) that they meet household income requirements.


了解更多关于 入息及资格.

  • 它是如何工作的

    As local solar energy sites are constructed through the 社区太阳能 program, subscriptions will become available for a limited number of shares of the electricity produced at the site, including a portion of shares reserved for customers who meet household income requirements.


    • T在这里 are two ways to enroll: online with your PSE account or by calling an Energy Advisor at 1-800-562-1482.
    • You’ll be asked during the enrollment process to confirm you meet household income requirements to receive up to two 社区太阳能 shares from a site of your choice for no cost. Please note that if enrolling in more than one share, both shares must be from the same site.
    • 符合收入条件的社区太阳能股票的数量是有限的. 当网站满员时,客户会被添加到等待列表中. PSE will auto-enroll customers on the waitlist when shares become available.
    • You’ll get savings on your bill for the solar energy generated by each share—one share is equal to 1.46kW of solar energy—that help lower your regular monthly energy costs.
    • Monthly bill credits will be fixed based on an average solar generation estimate per site, 这可能会根据场地的大小和位置而有所不同.
    • 每股可节省约10至20美元, per month based on the site selected for your subscription and will be automatically subtracted from your monthly bill after the site begins generating solar energy.
    • 这个项目是自愿的,你可以随时取消.
    • Qualified subscribers will be required to affirm their eligibility on an annual basis.

    回顾全文 条款与条件 为订阅 在这里.

  • 常见问题

    是的! Funding for the 社区太阳能 income-eligible option comes from a grant from Washington State University and our 绿色能源 and 太阳能的选择 programs. That means qualified customers get to enjoy the benefits of 100% local solar energy while saving up to $480 per year on their electric bill at absolutely no additional cost.

    No. 而, solar panels will be installed on the rooftops of publicly owned buildings and other properties in our service area through partnerships with communities and organizations. That means 社区太阳能 is open to both homeowners and renters—no roof required.

    What is the size and estimated bill credit for my income-eligible share?
    一份符合收入标准的社区太阳能股份等于1.在您选择的订阅地点提供46kW的太阳能. Bill credits will be fixed based on an average solar generation estimate per site, 每股每月约10至20美元, 根据场地的大小和位置.

    Qualified customers can receive a subscription of up to two shares of 社区太阳能 at a site of their choice based on current availability. Eligibility is limited to 120% of customers annual average electricity usage.

    T在这里’s no minimum term for the income-eligible option of 社区太阳能. 您可以随时取消订阅. If you move to a new location within PSE’s electric service area and notify PSE at least 30 days in advance, we will make our best attempt to transfer your 社区太阳能 income-eligible subscription to your new location.


Have questions about PSE’s 社区太阳能 program and how to subscribe? 能源顾问在这里提供帮助.

PSE社区太阳能是绿色能源认证, and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. 欲知详情,请浏览 Green-e.org.